Bridgestone Select Anglesea Street

Your local tyre and mechanic repair shop

Our range of tyre and mechanical services

At Bridgestone Select Anglesea Street you'll find an extensive range of quality tyres, including car tyres, SUV and 4x4 tyres, van tyres, complete tyre services, including tyre fitting, wheel balancing, wheel alignment and puncture repair.

  • Accessories

    • Batteries


    • Wheels


  • Auto Services

    • Mechanical Services

      Mechanical Repairs

    • Warrant of Fitness

      Warrant of Fitness

  • Rewards

    • AASmartFuel

      AA Smartfuel

  • Tyre Services

    • Nitrogen Inflation

      Nitrogen Tyre Inflation

    • RFT

      Run Flat Tyre Repair

    • Wheel Alignment

      Wheel Alignment

  • Tyres

    • Tyre Services

      Car, 4x4 and SUV

    • Light Truck

      Van & Light Truck

Finance options

Get rewarded with fuel savings

Swipe your AA membership or AA Smartfuel card to earn up to 25 cents per litre of fuel...

  • Spend $20 or more and save 5 cents per litre.
  • Spend $200 or more and save 10 cents per litre.
  • Spend $300 or more and save 15 cents per litre.
  • Spend $400 or more and save 20 cents per litre.
  • Spend $500 or more and save 25 cents per litre.

AA Smart fuel

Visit our tyre and auto experts at Bridgestone Select Anglesea Street

No matter your tyre or car service needs, we’re here to help.

Find a set of tyres online, book in for a tyre or car service, or have your questions answered by one of our friendly staff. We’ll help you choose your ideal tyre from our extensive range, from car tyres, SUV tyres, 4x4 tyres and more.

As well as quality tyres, our qualified mechanics can take care of all your vehicle servicing and maintenance requirements so that your vehicle runs smoothly. We offer car servicing, warrant of fitness and mechanical repairs.

We’re ready to help you with your auto needs and questions, so contact us today.

Service your car with us

We offer full auto and car servicing, so whatever your make or model, book your next service with one of our qualified mechanics.

We go out of our way to make sure your car performs at its best, and that you drive away completely satisfied. We can service your car without the risk of your vehicle manufacturer’s warranty being voided and will tell you all the work to be done before we start, so you can have confidence you’re getting the service you need.

Auto Service

We carry the following brands

  • Bridgestone
  • Firestone
  • Supercat
  • Dayton

Looking for new tyres?

Get in touch with our friendly team
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