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650/65R38 169/166E
(Before Discount)
  • Overview
  • Features & benefits
  • Technical specifications



The flagship of the Bridgestone premium agricultural tyres range. Built for today’s most advanced, heavy and sophisticated machines, the VT-TRACTOR sets the highest standards in terms of both performance and soil protection, helping farmers get the most out of their land today and tomorrow.
  • Low soil compaction
  • Outstanding traction
  • Lower operation costs
  • Very High Flexion technology
Tyre feature Benefit for you
Large footprint Reduced soil compaction contributing to higher yield.
Patented involute lug design Minimises slip and soil disturbance and provides superior traction
New bead profile Allows for greater flexing at lower pressure to reduce soil compaction.
Very High Flexion technology Reduced soil compaction, increased load carrying and superior traction
Bridgestone’s new generation compound containing vegetable oils

This tyre comes with

The process

  • Calendar
    Make a booking
  • Credit Card
    Buy online or in-store
  • Fitment
    Get your tyres fitted
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